How Does Invisalign Work

Many parents help their children achieve a straighter smile by opting for Invisalign instead of traditional braces. Clear braces are a common choice by both parents and children because you can’t tell when the aligners are being worn.

To straighten out your child’s teeth without choosing metal braces and wires, you can choose Invisalign. If you are curious about how Invisalign works, the process is pretty straightforward.

How Does Invisalign Work Step-by-Step?

Invisalign offers your child the same results as traditional braces, except without the metal and wires.

Schedule a Free Consultation

You must schedule a free consultation with your orthodontist to begin getting Invisalign for your child. At the consultation, your child’s orthodontist will examine their mouth, take X-rays, and take pictures of their teeth. Once your child’s orthodontist has given the green light to go ahead with the Invisalign treatment, they will take impressions of your child’s teeth and create a 3D image to map out the different stages of their teeth positioning.

Get Your Aligners

First, you get clear plastic aligners. Your child must wear them daily and remove them when they eat, brush, and floss. The aligners must be worn for 22 hours daily to help the teeth move correctly.

You get a new set of Invisalign aligners every two weeks to improve the teeth straightening process. Their teeth will become straighter each time.

Go to Follow-Up Appointments and Check-Ups.

They must go to a checkup once every six weeks to evaluate the treatment and ensure everything is going smoothly. This process should continue for 12 to 18 months, depending on how quickly your child’s teeth straighten.

How Long Does It Take Invisalign to Work From Start to Finish?

Many parents wonder how fast does Invisalign work. Invisalign takes about 12 to 18 months on average, but treatment times can vary depending on the patient. Invisalign treatment typically helps to straighten teeth quicker than traditional braces, which take about two years or longer to straighten teeth.

In some cases of Invisalign treatment, results can be noticeable within a few weeks after beginning the process. If your child is consistent and wears their Invisalign aligners between 20 to 22 hours daily, achieving a straighter smile should take up to 18 months.

How Many Rounds of Invisalign is Normal?

On average, Invisalign patients require 20 to 30 sets of Invisalign aligners. If your child requires minimal teeth straightening, their orthodontist may give them between 15 and 25 Invisalign trays. Children and adults who need prominent teeth straightening are usually delivered between 40 and 50 trays.

Each set of aligners contains a specific amount of trays that your child requires to straighten their teeth, which can differ depending on your child’s teeth.

Does the First Invisalign Tray Move Your Teeth?

The first Invisalign tray fits tightly over your child’s teeth, providing a sufficient amount of pressure on their teeth so they can move into a better position.

Many patients notice a significant change in their teeth’s position with the first Invisalign tray, and their positioning continues to improve throughout the next few months of treatment.

Final Thoughts

This step-by-step guide should help you understand how Invisalign works, how long does Invisalign take to work, and what you must do to begin treatment. The first step to achieving a beautiful smile is to schedule an appointment with Bergen Orthodontics. We will take steps to evaluate and prepare your child for Invisalign treatment. Learn how Invisalign works and the complete guide to the process.