Orthodontic treatment is a common experience for many children and teenagers, but the idea of traditional metal braces can be intimidating for some. In recent years, Invisalign has become a popular alternative to traditional braces, but is it suitable for children?

In this article, we will examine the age requirements, treatment process, and potential outcomes of Invisalign for kids. We will also explore the benefits and limitations of this orthodontic option to help you determine if it’s the right choice for your child. Whether you’re a parent, guardian, or dental professional, this comprehensive guide will provide valuable insights into the world of Invisalign for kids.

How your Invisalign treatment is organized

Invisalign are clear plastic aligners that can be a good substitute for patients needing orthodontic treatment. Patients in Invisalign typically change their aligners every week. Every aligner comes in an individual package labeled with a number to help patients keep track of their aligners. Patients change them in numerical order every week as well.

There are no wire pokes or brace breaks with Invisalign

One benefit of choosing clear aligners for kids or teenagers is that there are not going to be wires that break and poke at them like with metal braces. They would not be coming in that often to get a broken bracket or wire fixed since the aligner pops in and out of the mouth. The aligners being clear is also a big bonus for any teens that may be more self-conscious about their teeth. Invisalign are a more subtle orthodontic option compared to braces.

Invisalign and oral hygiene

Keeping their teeth clean and keeping up with good oral hygiene is another job Invisalign (and braces) patients have. An upside of being an Invisalign patients is that they can typically keep the same diet as they had before starting their treatment with Invisalign. Having braces means the patients may need to cut out some foods they used to eat that may not be good for the braces or wires.

Staying on schedule with your Invisalign

One drawback of choosing Invisalign over braces is that the patient must keep up with changing the aligners as instructed. It is a big responsibility to take on Invisalign since the patient is responsible for remembering to change their aligners every week and keeping track of what aligner number they are on. Braces are nice because once they are in the mouth, they stay there. Clear aligners require diligence from the patient since they take them out of their mouth when eating or drinking and then must remember to brush their teeth and put the aligners back in.

Common Invisalign mistakes

Some patients accidentally throw out their aligners if they take them out to eat and put them on a napkin or something. The clear plastic blends in well so patients are always recommended to put the aligners back in the case whenever they are not in the mouth. If a patient is more forgetful or has a lot going on in their life, setting reminders on the calendar is a nice way to help remember when to change the aligners every week!

When most people think of orthodontics, braces are most likely to be the first thing that pops into their minds. While traditional metal braces are certainly a common option, clear Invisalign aligners are also a good choice for orthodontic treatment!