At Bergen Orthodontics, we know that adjusting to life with braces comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to your diet. While braces are designed to enhance your smile, certain foods can pose risks to your orthodontic appliances. Knowing what to eat and what to avoid can help ensure a smooth treatment journey and prevent any unnecessary mishaps. Here’s our guide on the best foods to eat and avoid with braces.

Foods to Enjoy with Braces

Choosing the right foods while wearing braces can make meal times enjoyable and help protect your orthodontic appliances. Here are some braces-friendly options that are both delicious and safe:

Soft fruits are not only healthy but also gentle on your braces.

  • Bananas: Easy to chew and packed with nutrients.
  • Berries: Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are soft and tasty.
  • Peaches: Enjoy them fresh, canned, or as a part of smoothies.

Dairy products are rich in calcium and easy to consume.

  • Yogurt: A great snack that’s smooth and braces-friendly.
  • Cheese: Soft cheeses like mozzarella and cottage cheese are excellent choices.
  • Milk: Provides necessary calcium and is easy to drink.

Steamed or cooked vegetables are softer and easier to eat.

  • Carrots: Steamed carrots are soft and nutritious.
  • Broccoli: Lightly steamed broccoli retains its nutrients and is gentle on your teeth.
  • Spinach: Cooked spinach is tender and full of vitamins.

Lean proteins are essential for a balanced diet and are generally safe for braces.

  • Chicken: Opt for tender, shredded chicken rather than tough cuts.
  • Fish: Soft and flaky fish like salmon or tilapia are excellent choices.
  • Eggs: Scrambled, boiled, or poached eggs are versatile and easy to eat.

Soft grains and pasta dishes are braces-friendly staples.

  • Rice: Cooked rice is gentle on braces and pairs well with various dishes.
  • Pasta: Soft pasta dishes, whether it’s spaghetti or macaroni, are easy to chew.
  • Bread: Soft bread without hard crusts or seeds is a safe option.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

Certain foods can damage your braces or cause discomfort. Here’s a list of foods to steer clear of while undergoing orthodontic treatment:

Hard and crunchy foods can break brackets and wires.

  • Nuts: Hard nuts can damage braces and should be avoided.
  • Hard candies: Biting into hard candies can lead to broken brackets or wires.
  • Popcorn: Kernels can get stuck in your braces and cause damage.

Sticky or chewy foods can adhere to your braces and are difficult to clean.

  • Gum: Gum can stick to your braces and is challenging to remove.
  • Caramel: This sticky treat can pull at your braces and cause issues.
  • Toffees: Avoid chewy toffees that can get lodged in your appliances.

Tough meats require excessive chewing and can strain your braces.

  • Steak: Opt for tender cuts or ground beef instead.
  • Jerky: Tough and chewy, jerky should be avoided.
  • Ribs: The meat close to the bone can be difficult to chew and may damage braces.

Hard bread and some snacks can be problematic for braces.

  • Bagels: Dense and chewy, bagels can be tough on braces.
  • Hard pretzels: These snacks are too hard and can break braces components.
  • Corn on the cob: Eating corn directly from the cob can dislodge brackets, so cut it off the cob first.

Tips for Eating with Braces

Adopting some simple habits can make eating with braces more manageable and prevent potential problems.

Cutting food into smaller, bite-sized pieces can make it easier to chew and reduce the risk of damaging your braces.

Take your time when eating and chew slowly to avoid putting undue stress on your braces. This also helps identify any issues early on.

Drinking plenty of water during meals helps wash away food particles and keeps your mouth clean.

Brush and floss after every meal to remove food particles and prevent plaque buildup. Use a fluoride mouthwash to maintain oral health.

Adapting your diet to accommodate braces is a key part of your orthodontic journey. By choosing the right foods and avoiding those that can cause damage, you can ensure a smoother treatment experience and protect your investment in a beautiful smile. At Bergen Orthodontics, we’re here to support you every step of the way with expert advice and personalized care.